If you like kielbasa, you will want to make sure you attend this special kielbasa dinner featuring the top three winners from the 2016 Kielbasa Cook-Off. The dinner will include the award winning kielbasa from Jeremy Pryba (Polska Pryba), Mike Hofner and Ron Smith (Dziadzia and Busia’s OldFashioned Kielbasa), and Adam Michalski (Michalski’s Special Recipe ). Jeremy and Adam will also be serving their family’s pierogi in addition to their kielbasa. We will also be serving kapusta (sweet and sour cabbage), mashed potatoes and gravy. mizeria (cucumber in dill sauce), placek (coffee cake), and those sweet tasting delectibles – paczki!
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Christian Life Center, Olivet Lutheran Church
5840 Monroe Street in Sylvania
2 to 6 PM
$18 adults (non-members)
$15 PACT members
$5.00 children under 10
You can reserve tickets in advance for $15 by sending us an email at info@polishcommunity.org. Just leave your name, phone # or email address and how many in your party. Your tickets will be at the door.