Save The Date!
Wigilia 2022
The Polish name for Christmas Eve supper is “Wigilia” from Latin “Vigilare” – to await.
95% of Polish families have preserved the Wigilia tradition and regard it as the high point of the Christmas season. We hope you can join us and make it a part of your Christmas tradition.
PACT (Polish American Community of Toledo) and TPA (Toledo Poznan Alliance) are proud to announce that they will celebrate Christmas Eve with a traditional Polish Wigilia Celebration. This year’s Wigilia is scheduled for Sunday, December 18, 2022 at Olivet Lutheran Church’s Christian Life Center, 5840 Monroe Street in Sylvania. Doors open at 5:00 PM, Wigilia program and dinner start at 5:30 PM.
Ticket price is $20 for PACT and TPA members, $25 for non-members.
Includes Wigilia meatless dinner, Polish carols (kolendy), explanation of Wigilia traditions and a silent auction of Polish items.
To make you reservation or for more information, call Stan at 419.280.0035!
Here are some items we will be auctioning off at our Wigilia celebration It will take place at Olivet Lutheran Church, Christian Life Center, 5840 Monroe Street in Sylvania. Celebration starts at 5:30