Ms. Simon is a junior at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Daughter of Shannon Sorosiak Simon, she is active in 4H, Delta Delta Delta Sorority and Miami University French Club. This is the second win for Simon; she won a scholarship while a student at Otsego High School.
She wrote an essay entitles, “The Life and Influence of Joseph Conrad.” in which she described his early life in Berdyczow, Ukraine and his father’s political interests. Simon discussed the influence of Victor Hugo, Adam Mickiewicz and Julius Slowacki in Conrad’s novels. His moral influence can be seen in modern films – Apocalypse Now and Alien.
“A writing may be lost, a lie may be written, but what the eye has seen is truth and remains in the mind.” – Joseph Conrad

Brooke M. Glowacki is a sophomore at Bowling Green State University major-ing in Business and active in the Women in Business Club.
Glowacki wrote about Joseph Conrad who used the frame narrative in his novels, “delved into the depths of the human condition,” explored “the destructive effects of imperialism” and examined the “frailty of the human psyche.”

A junior at Otsego High School in Tontogany, Ohio, Brooke Simon has been a cheerleader since 2019. The daughter of Shannon Sorosiak Simon, she also participates in 4H and FFA (Future Farmers of America). However, her outstanding extracurricular is Track and Field; this year, she was Athlete of the Week in May and a Track state qualifier.
In writing about the Polish American presence in Toledo, Simon focused on Kosciuszko Street in Lagrinka and Tadeusz Kosciuszko. She elaborated on his friendship with Thomas Jefferson, his plans for West Point in New York and his longing for freedom. Her essay was published in the summer issue of The Alliance News.
“Za Wolnosc Wasza I Nasza” “For Your Freedom and Ours”

Joseph Pesartic is a sophomore at St. Francis de Sales High School in Toledo. The son of Joseph and Julie Pesartic, his sports are baseball and golf. His essay. “Polish Heritage in Toledo,” is in the summer issue of The Alliance News.
Pesartic described his family’s ties to the Echoes of Poland. He stressed the importance of his busia and dzia dzia who “have always done a great job of bringing the culture and traditions of our heritage into our family, and making sure that we do not forget and that we are proud to be Polish American.